
Little bits here and there

Anyone who has been within earshot of me knows that "I am at the ball park four nights a week." I have realized that this does not mean I am overly busy and constantly running. Sitting at the park watching a ball game can be quite relaxing. (if it's warmer than 45˚ - brrr) Maintaining my creativity is challenging while I don't seem to have much time at home. But, over the weekend I freely sketched a variety of leaves on a large sheet of watercolor paper. Day after day, I find myself sneaking into the studio - even if just for a few minutes at a time - to put some paint down. Not finished yet, but progress.

While driving to the chiropractor today I thought to myself "where have I found the time for this?" Probably six hours a week, driving, sitting, and treatments. I am finally at the point of a breakthrough as I casually mentioned today that I should have told her from the get-go that I have severe foot pain every morning when I get out of bed. The first few steps are very difficult. And then, my feet loosen up and in a very short time I completely forget about it. Diagnosis: plantar fasciitis. This surprised me because every time I have heard about plantar fasciitis it has been long distant runners and specifically - heel pain. But, it's not just about running (perhaps playing "Just Dance" with the Wii in barefeet?) And it is not just about heel pain. The whole bottom of my feet hurt: arch, ball and toes. I'm throwing this out there to other people that might not realize an ounce of treatment could be worth a pound of avoided complications.

On one more separate note...I don't know which of my friends, who sat around the campfire here on Saturday night, brought the bottle of Merlot? Thank you. I am currently enjoying a glass of it. : )



Two more paintings.
6x6. Watercolor and gouache.


Back to Painting

6x6 acrylic on paper. Untitled.

Crafting cute little things is a joyful distraction, but I won't be satisfied without exploring nature, my abstract thoughts, and paint.


I'm Not Complaining

I'm not complaining, but Good Lord, how much more can I take? I guess it does sound like I am complaining because when I saw friends at the ball park today and they asked me "How are you?" my response is "Pretty horrible." After my twisted ankle felt good enough to run on, I ended up with a back ache. When I returned from the chiropractor on Wednesday feeling better, I started sneezing. Today I went to urgent care because this feels like so much more than your typical chest cold. I've had bronchitis that felt better than this. But, the doctor said my lungs sound good, so just rest and liquids. Maybe, I do just need to slow down and learn how to relax? I find it very difficult to let things go, but apparently I am learning. Because the house is a wreck and I am falling far behind on laundry. Doesn't really make me feel any better.

... but this does. I settled in and watched a movie with the girls. We had not seen the first Kung Fu Panda. I came away from it with this wisdom. "There is no secret ingredient. To make something special you just have to believe it's special."

On a similar subject, today Ellie discovered the joy of making button rings. She bought a little book and whipped one right up (then another.) And that inspired me to lug out the various large tins of buttons and start sorting them by colors as I have thought of doing for years. I figure it might slow me down to just sit and sort.

Note to self: Relax. Let go. Make something special.


Yesterday and Today - again

I won't bore you with lame excuses of why my Everyday in May posting is off to a rough start. Let's just say after 2 trips to the chiropractor (kinesiologist) in 3 days my back ache is feeling much, much better.

I did attempt a little mandala (yes 'becca, my flower was a mandala) I wasn't happy with it, but Maya really liked it. So, I finished it off for her with a lightening bolt on the flip side. Which led to other magical ideas with the Harry P font.

Ellie's constant web searching of puppy pictures made me think to try a beagle, although it needs longer ears and some minor adjustments with the nose and eyes. Still, a cute puppy.


Yesterday and Today

It is the 2nd day in May and not too late for me to decide to create (and post) something everyday in May. Last night I experimented with the little girl face in felt. Today, a modern abstract flower shape. As expected, Art Chicago on Saturday spurred my desire to draw and paint and make art. I thought I would toss the felt aside. Not yet. But, mention of an opportunity for a show (pop-up gallery) in June has my brain storming ideas of what I would like to create before then. It's not enough that I have enough to fill the space. When given a chance to show, it would be irresponsible not to take full advantage with fresh, new pieces.