No. Don't. Well, maybe. But, be careful.
"Imagination is how we transform ourselves and the world in which we live." (Why Angels Have Wings, by Rami Shapiro, Spirituality and Health, Jan-Feb 2010) I needed to hear that. I tried to explain to Darrin, but couldn't quite put into words, that when I create art, I refrain from delving too deeply into my own imagination. What if I get lost? What if I can no longer differentiate between what is real and what I am only imagining? Can I transform myself and the world? Can I really?
So I hold back. I refrain from using my imagination to create art and to fully contemplate the metaphysical. It would be real easy to get lost there. Yet, I found myself a few days ago using my imagination to worry. Worry - that is your imagination speculating what bad things might happen. And then I realized other people in my same situation (or potentially worse situation) are still calm and not complaining. When did I become the most pessimistic in the bunch? This is not me. This is not who I want to be. I apologize to anyone that got an earful from me. Recently and in the past. With a smile and a laugh I have heard myself say "I know, I am so cynical." I try to laugh it off and joke because I don't really believe I am cynical. Or am I? How do I imagine the world to be? Am I bitter, distrusting, showing contempt? Do I hold a low opinion of humanity? "Sometimes" is not an acceptable answer.
In my quest for enlightenment I have read some of the modern day Spiritualists. I open a book. It resonates with me. This is all true. I needed to be reminded of this. The Universe is full of potential and possibility. I do have the power to create my life and change the world. I believe in creative consciousness despite what the critics say. It is not wishful thinking. Everything that comes into being begins as a thought.
At the end of my week I am conscious of my not-so-good thoughts and I will put them behind me. I am grateful to have heard the eloquent closing statement of the very wise Conan O'Brien. His words have the power to transform and transcend. As he said... (and I paraphrase) Cynicism is one of the worst qualities. It gets you nowhere. If you are kind and work really hard, amazing things will happen! Amazing! I will be looking for his new book on the library shelf next to Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer. Thanks, Co Co.