

I haven't been focused much on blogging lately. Life is more than sketchbook pages (the sketchbook project) and our new dog. I've been spending as much time as I can with my Mom. She has just begun grieving (commonly delayed). She needs the love and support of her children. I am grateful that there are 5 of us. Thinking about how many women are in this flux of caring for children and caring for parents? Sometimes, I dream of quitting my day job, but I know that wouldn't simplify my life.

On Friday, I had a meeting with Melissa at South Shore Arts. She invited me to hang with her. When I say "hang" I mean in exhibiting terms. Although chatting over lunch on Friday was fabulous as well. Having a show scheduled makes me want to create my best work yet, so where do I squeeze that in?

1 comment:

melissawashburn said...

Just checking in, and was looking at these sketchbook images again. There is starting to be a depth of field and perspective in the sketches I haven't seen in your work before. I really like where it's going. So much fun when you give yourself the freedom to "play" and really take an idea to its limits.