

#15 - 6" Mixed media.
Craft paper, rubber stamp, silver ink,
acrylic paint, colored pencil.


Green on Grey

#14 - 6" Acrylic on mat board



#13 - 6" Watercolor on mat board


White on Red

#12 - 6" Acrylic on mat board



#11 - 6" Acrylic on mat board


Black and White

#10 - 8" India ink on mat board



#9 - 6" Watercolor on 140 lb. paper



#8 - 6" Watercolor on 140 lb. paper



#7 - 6"  Watercolor on 140 lb. paper



#6 - 6" Watercolor on 140 lb. paper



#5 - 6"  acrylic and watercolor on mat board



#4 - 6" acrylic on mat board

Symmetry has been comforting,
but scribbling is so free.



#3 - 6" acrylic on mat board

I'm planning on posting one each day for 30 days.
I am exploring materials and techniques and happen to have
more than 30 small gold frames, like this one,
I'd like to use up and move out of the house.


Number 2

#2 - 8" acrylic on mat board


Where Is This From?

The first in a series of small mandalas.
This was unplanned, spontaneous, intuitive.
It feels foreign, unfamiliar.

#1 - 6" acrylic on mat board


Vacationing Close to Home

Someday I will travel the world, but for now I will enjoy my local surroundings. The south shore of Lake Michigan really is a beautiful place. I resisted my usual urge to bring beautiful stones home with me. Instead, I arranged, photographed, and left them where they belong - on the beach. I've created a flickr account and posted many photos of this tiny little wall along with the sun setting on the Chicago skyline.

Before the beach we ventured a little farther south and east
to pick 18 pounds of blueberries.


Sour - Illustration Friday

"They're probably sour anyway."


Fire and Water

This watercolor painting, "Fire"
is sold and I was commissioned to do an additional piece,
 "Water" to go along with it. 

I finished "Water" this morning and was hoping to get it to the gallery for framing today, but did not. I also did not run a 5k race today as I had contemplated. Last week when I thought I was sore from gardening, I realized I might have been coming down with something. I never did get terribly sick, but felt like I avoided it by taking it easy rather than running myself ragged. I have been biking and today played tennis with Darrin for the first time in 10 years. We haven't played since kids as that would have required a babysitter. It was lots of fun and I look forward to more. Of course, I lost badly, but it's not about winning or losing.

I've added a link to my favorites list. Last week I Googled myself to see if anything interesting came up. Much to my surprise, I was favorably mentioned on Life Craft by Amy Kalisher. Her blog immediately became one of my favorites. Lots of great inspiration, resource links, and beautiful daily collages.

I set up a new e-mail account to link to my blog. I thought it would be quick and simple to add it in the sidebar, but after 30 minutes of poking around I give up. I am looking forward giving away a small watercolor mandala. I said I would pay it forward after receiving the exquisite little birdie from Gennine. I have had many people tell me in person they have had trouble leaving comments. I've checked my comment setting and it is open to everyone. I am curious if others are having problems, as I receive very few comments overall.

I opened up "The Artist's Way" today after getting it back from my friend Mike. (Thanks Mike.) I read just about all the quotes in the margins. That alone is great inspiration. This one probably best describes me right now "Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment." Actually, maybe just the word "bewildered" describes me.


Ribbon Purse

The girls like Klutz craft books. They are very creative and lots of fun. I saw "Ribbon Purses" at the toy store and had to buy it for myself. I've had it for a couple months hiding on the bookshelf and finally found the time to sew one up. The book shows these tiny little creations strung on necklaces and bracelets or you can clip them on a belt loop, etc.


Healing Art Workshop

Painting is a valuable form of expression and self-discovery that is accessible to everyone, not just the artist. This simple introduction to acrylic paint and color theory will help you recapture the joy of creativity and discover your inner-voice as you learn to communicate through the use of color.

Explore the joy of painting
Sunday, July 13, 2008
10:00 am to 12:30 pm

Holistic Counseling & Therapeutic Yoga Studio
316 W. Indiana Avenue
Chesterton, IN 46304

Cost $50.
All supplies included in cost.
No previous art experience necessary.