
The Sketchbook Project

My sketchbook is ready to go in the mail tomorrow
and then on tour across the country.


April said...

i was going to ask you about this today, but totally forgot! love it!!

Darlene said...

Hi Patti -- I'm Darlene, I'll be with you and Melissa in the (m)others exhibit next month and I just wanted to say hi. The sketchbook looks beautiful and the project is just so awesome. I can't wait to meet you properly and see more of your work. My email is darlene.cohn@gmail.com, and I'm on twitter: 2000irises.

Liz said...

Hi Patti,
love your work! I am the parent at Barbara Garland's school in South Bend who is pulling together our "about 35 great items" Arts & Leisure silent auction benefitting our scholarship fund --- Barbara and I had an "all excited" chat today and I'm hoping that you can email me to follow up :)
My email is ezapf@mac.com.
Thank you!!
Liz Zapf