
Playful Painting

I just started playing with monoprints. 

Today I cut some up and started collaging a garden.


Cure for Crabbiness

Spontaneously take a 1/2 day off of work.
Eat peach shortcake for dinner.
Draw yourself some flowers.
Run 3 miles. : )



Today we went to the Hyde Park Art Center to see the Sketchbook Project Mobile Library. It was exciting to check out Ellie's sketchbook and browse through many more. We also saw lots of beautiful art throughout the art center. Ellie was so inspired she wanted to buy the next sketchbook on site. 

 Along with the mobile art library was an art swap. Cards and markers were available to draw something and drop in a basket. Draw something and then take one left by another artist.

 Here is my doodle that I left behind.

Here is the drawing I chose from the basket. It was created by Bianca Diaz. I loved it because it was of Chicago and we were visiting Chicago. Now that I have visited her website and seen lots more of her beautiful work I love it even more.


The Ultimate Guide to Repeats

Here are a couple more textile designs which were a result of the online class I recently took. The Pattern Observer is promoting the start of the next session for the Ultimate Guide to Repeats and featured one of my designs from the class. You can read there how much I enjoyed and appreciated what I learned. Thanks Michelle and Chelsea.


Happy Spring!

The girls and I had fun experimenting with new egg coloring techniques. We wrapped some eggs with paper towel and dripped food coloring on them for a tie-dye effect. From there, Maya decided to drip food coloring onto a paper towel and brush it on. Possibly their most favorite decorated eggs of all. Ellie doesn't want anyone to eat them. She'll have to understand that this photo is all that can preserve them.


Textural Pattern

I recently took a 4 week online textile design course. I felt that I needed to focus on learning the various repeat and measuring techniques. So instead of creating new art, I pulled from old work I had already done. These watercolor sedum sprouts are from my Sketchbook Project pages from 2011. After many hours of fussing with the layout I think I might have spent less time creating new art?


Scribble Sprouts

I have learned many fun new things about textile design! Here is my first attempt and the result of hours of practice on the process.


Simple Swirl

Quick Sharpie colored doodle made into pattern.
Dreaming of designing textiles.


Happy New Year!

As a child the anticipation of the holidays was so full of excitement and joy and the day after felt completely deflated. As a mother, the anticipation of the holidays feels like drudgery and the day after feels like a revival. I hope this doesn't sound too pessimistic? It is difficult to describe. It is a learning experience. This holiday season I have improved on simplification, prioritization, relaxation. I enjoyed the holidays very much and am looking forward to the tranquility that follows.