

Counting your blessings really does help put things into perspective. I was overwhelmed by too much to do and too much stuff. I am blessed. Bless You and Merry Christmas.



I am far too exhausted to feel any joy. I pray that once all the preparations are in place I will delight in the true meaning of Christmas. What is the true meaning of Christmas? Leave a comment if you have an idea to share. At this time, I am fantasizing about running away to a far distant land next year and throwing tradition out the window. Instead, perhaps I should consider emphasizing more spirituality and less materialism.


The Baker's Apprentice

Ellie was afraid I wouldn't have time to help bake for the K-Kid's bake sale. Then insisted that she could make the rolled butter cookies from start to finish all by herself with no help from me. She did it! I guess that doesn't make her an apprentice, more like a master chef!


My Studio

My studio, not so much. Since I have been able to work from home a little, this has become my home office. I finally settled into the idea this past week. Instead of a massive amount of production work, I happened to have a very fun (Christmasy) design project. I was able to beat the school bus home and then finish up what I started, plus clock a few extra hours. Nice. Looking forward to squeezing in some painting, but not until I get through the holidays.