
This Week

Because I have forgotten how to relax, I have spent my week of vacation emptying closets to paint them. Not only to paint, but to move and re-organize. Darrin and I will move to the "toy room" as we give the girls more privacy and independence of their own personal bedrooms. I thought about posting before and after photos, but it might have looked like a bad Peter Walsh episode. While moving from a small bedroom to a smaller one, I am dreaming of simplified minimalism decorated in some sleek modern decor inspired by all of my favorite design blogs. I am missing the girls more than ever. They are on a Girl Scout camping overnight as I sort through and thin out the toy collection. I have convinced them that they will have to be willing to let go to make room. For years I've dreamed of having less toys in my house, but now I am struggling with the fact that they are growing up too fast.

1 comment:

heather said...

Oh, I can so identify. It has been awhile since I have stopped by...I've missed being here, reading your various musings. Love the idea of a modern, minimalistic design for the bedroom. Have fun with it!:) And do post just a few after pics...I am dying to have a peek at what you decide to do!