
Day 11 - Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
It was fabulous, despite the fact that I went out in 50˚ pouring down rain and high winds to grab my mom a gift. She's totally worth it! And, I just spent more than five hours on a Girl Scout project for tomorrow's meeting. Not to sound like a martyr - I procrastinated, that's all.

The girls were thrilled to serve me breakfast in bed, then surprised me with a great gift. Rollerblades! I kept saying I was going to buy some because was the only one in the family without. I think it will be great cardio and will strengthen my legs without too much impact on the knees. Also, fun for the whole family. My apprehension might have been from the skateboard accident last month. I'll be careful.

Tonight I am exhausted, but determined. I am still not fully prepared for the Daisy meeting tomorrow, but I had to stop and paint. I am hoping by the end of this month that a day without painting feels like a day without brushing my teeth. (Not that I would know what that feels like because that is just gross.)

I didn't pick up the brush til 9:30 pm, the paint is still wet in the photo. It is quick and simple. Quick and simple proves to advance my watercolor technique. For example, where the bud meets the stem is what, I feel, watercolor is meant to do. I've been striving for even flat washes for so long. Dropping color into wet areas is so magical!

Further comments on Patrick's further comments are coming. I want to mention that I am truly grateful to have someone interested and asking questions. My journey stems from being skeptical and wanting to question. (My work may resonate with you for that reason) I could not have responded on the spot if someone had challenged my ideas face to face. I am glad I have put my thoughts together. I didn't feel terribly offended. Almost all of it was strangely complimentary, yet questioned the validity of my ideas.

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